Homestead Ducks

Someone once said, “I wish my kids would get out of the house and off their devices.” I looked at him with a smile, “Buy them a duck!”. I didn’t know how much my kids would fall in love with these winged water loving creatures.

There are so many breeds to choose from, it’s hard to stick to one type. At Split Rock Ranch we breed:
Silver AppleYard & Runner Duck

Silver AppleYard:
The Silver Appleyard was created as a dual-purpose breed, reared both for meat and for eggs. Birds for the table may reach a weight of 6.5lbs in just nine weeks; ducks are good layers of white eggs, and may lay some 200–270 per year. With a friendly and sweet personality, these birds make great pets, and a fun addition to any Homestead. At full grown these birds can reach 6-8 lbs. These are non-flight ducks, so you don’t have to worry about them showing up on the top of your car.

Indian Runner Ducks:
They stand erect like penguins and, rather than waddling, they run. The females usually lay about 300 to 350 eggs a year or more, depending whether they are from exhibition or utility strains. They lay the same size egg as an AppleyardThey don’t make great meat birds, but they will be your best friend. With the rise of pet ducks, Runners are the #1 favorite as indoor/pet ducks.

They also lay different colored eggs; Fawn lay light green, and black runners lay Black eggs! For those who love different colored eggs, Runners will never disappoint.

Why Ducks?

To that I would ask, Why not? Beside their cute wodling and family like demeanor, Ducks are amazing at Bug control! Hate Ticks? Unlike their Chicken farm friends, Ducks will eat bugs all day while leaving your garden and beautiful grass alone. They also can deal with hot/cold weather better than chickens. And their eggs produce high levels of Vitamin B and Omaga-3’s.

Duckings are hatched starting Mar-Jul of each year. We don’t separate the ducks so you most likely would have a cross. The Silver Appleyards can be easily picked out by the cute black “Diamond” shape on the tops of their heads. They are handled from hatch and love spending time with the human parents.

To learn how to care for your new flock feel free to contact us, and we would be more than happy to help you with the in’s and out’s.